Request a Practitioner Session

Practitioners are here to support. A Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding, trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment, a type of affirmative prayer. Practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others, licensed to practice professionally, and bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy.

To become a certified Practitioner a person must complete a rigorous multi-year required course of study, pass comprehensive written exams and be approved by an oral panel consisting of ministers and practitioners. Their licenses are renewed every other year after approval of required continuing education credits and service hours.

Why Use a Practitioner? Practitioners are the healing arm of the Center. When you need an arm around you or a shoulder to lean on, a Professional Practitioner is there – trained, compassionate, and most important, clear about your innate divinity. Your Practitioner will pray with you and keep you in loving consciousness to support you in uncovering and eliminating conditions that are not working for your good as well as exploring the use of spiritual law to create the life you desire.

Talk to a Practitioner if you are in need of inspiration, celebration of a major event in your life and/or healing in any area: financial, relational, health, purpose, or career. You are an Individualized Expression of Spirit. Let a Practitioner remind you of that!

What is the fee a Practitioner charges? Practitioners conduct their own professional practices, seeing individuals on a fee basis in one-on-one sessions. The fee is established at the time an appointment is made. The fee is not for prayer, but rather for the practitioner's time, training, skill and professional knowledge of spiritual principles and practices that can enhance one's life. Financial arrangements are flexible and need not be a deterrent to receiving services.

Confidentiality: The relationship between the practitioner and the client is one of utmost confidence, integrity and trust. It is essential to the practitioner-client relationship that all information shared is kept in the strictest confidence.
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Practitioners are here to support. A Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding, trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment, a type of affirmative prayer. Practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others, licensed to practice professionally, and bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy.

To become a certified Practitioner a person must complete a rigorous multi-year required course of study, pass comprehensive written exams and be approved by an oral panel consisting of ministers and practitioners. Their licenses are renewed every other year after approval of required continuing education credits and service hours.

Why Use a Practitioner? Practitioners are the healing arm of the Center. When you need an arm around you or a shoulder to lean on, a Professional Practitioner is there – trained, compassionate, and most important, clear about your innate divinity. Your Practitioner will pray with you and keep you in loving consciousness to support you in uncovering and eliminating conditions that are not working for your good as well as exploring the use of spiritual law to create the life you desire.

Talk to a Practitioner if you are in need of inspiration, celebration of a major event in your life and/or healing in any area: financial, relational, health, purpose, or career. You are an Individualized Expression of Spirit. Let a Practitioner remind you of that!

What is the fee a Practitioner charges? Practitioners conduct their own professional practices, seeing individuals on a fee basis in one-on-one sessions. The fee is established at the time an appointment is made. The fee is not for prayer, but rather for the practitioner's time, training, skill and professional knowledge of spiritual principles and practices that can enhance one's life. Financial arrangements are flexible and need not be a deterrent to receiving services.

Confidentiality: The relationship between the practitioner and the client is one of utmost confidence, integrity and trust. It is essential to the practitioner-client relationship that all information shared is kept in the strictest confidence.